Girl Scouts Come Together to Earn Their Opera Patch with YPO

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The Young Patronesses of the Opera brought together over 60 Girl Scouts at the Riviera Presbyterian Church to teach them about Opera. YPO members as well as members of their high school group, the Junior Opera Guild, worked with the Scouts to earn their opera patch by sharing the story of a major opera, teaching them about staging, theater, costumes, how to create props for the opera and even doing their make-up to go on stage.

This year, the opera showcased was “Lucia di Lammermoor”. The Scouts got a chance to act out parts of the opera and were given an Opera Funtime booklet based on this opera, to take home and enjoy. The girl especially enjoyed dressing up in the Scottish tartan costumes (since the opera is set in Scotland).

At the end of the program, the Scouts were served juice and cookies and were not only given their opera patch but were also tickets to see a dress rehearsal of a main stage opera performed by the Florida Grand Opera.

For over 50 years, YPO has had a close relationship with the Girl Scout Council of Tropical Florida; over 10,000 Girl Scouts have attended its workshops since the program began in the 1966. YPO is very appreciative to the sponsor of the Girl Scout Workshop- the List Family Foundation.

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