YPO offers online programs during the Pandemic

This past year has been difficult for everyone due to the pandemic. And like so many art organizations, the Young Patronesses of the Opera (YPO) has not been able to offer our educational programs to our community. But that didn’t stop the volunteer women of this organization do what they could to support our youth. In January of 2021, the In-School Opera team sent out links to the children’s operas they preformed previously to music teachers throughout Miami-Dade and Broward counties. The idea was so the teachers and students could watch the performances via Zoom together. YPO also shared links to study guides to help the teachers plan lessons using the Opera Funtime booklets that are created by members of YPO. And, links of the actual booklets were also shared with the teachers. These resources were greatly appreciated by our local educators. One said, “Thank you for giving us some wonderful tools to continue sharing quality programs with our students during this difficult time. They have really enjoyed watching the operas and using pages in the books during our online classes.” Even during this unprecedented time in our lives, YPO members are doing what they can to continue their mission to cultivate, promote, foster, educate and develop the understanding, taste and love of opera to the youth in our community. We hope to host all our programs again in person but until then, we will continue to support our community with the program we can offer online.

Julie Todaro