YPO Awards $44,000 at 30th National Voice Competition


Young opera singers from around the country recently gathered at Miami Beach's Colony Theatre to take part in the Young Patronesses of the Opera/ Florida Grand Opera 30th National Voice Competition. Ten finalists, chosen from among the 34 singers invited, were invited to participate in the final round of the competition. They performed from the opera repertoire with piano accompaniment in a concert in front of an audience and a panel of illustrious judges made up of opera company pro­fessionals from around the country to earn $45,500 in prize monies to further their careers in the field of grand opera. Prizes were awarded in two categories: Senior Young Artist (age 26 to 30) and Junior Young Artist (age 20 to 25).

Judging the competition were: Cory Lippiello, Artistic Administrator, Lyric Opera of Chicago; Philip Pierce, Direc­tor of Artistic Administration, Florida Grand Opera; William Powers, Manag­ing Director, Pittsburgh Opera; and Bri­an Speck, Director, Houston Grand Op­era Studio. All four judges are seasoned professionals with direct involvement in the development of young singers.

Every finalist walked away as a win­ner. Each semifinalist who did not par­ticipate in the final round of the com­petition was awarded a stipend of $300.

The Young Patronesses of the Op­era's nationally renowned Voice Competition was founded in 1972 by one of YPO's founding members, the soprano Mrs. Irene Patti Swartz Hammond, who continued to run it until her death in 2010. The com­mittee is currently run by YPO mem­bers Lucie Spieler, Charlette Seidel, and Danielle Krause under YPO's president, Lise-Marie Wertanzl.

Award Winners

$10,000 Junior Opera Guild Senior Young Artist 1st Prize: Ethan Simp­son, Baritone

$6,000 Young Patronesses of the Opera Senior Young Artist 2nd Prize: Murrella Parton, Soprano

$4,000 Jacquelin Major Memorial Award: Megan Mikailovna Samarin, Mezzo-Soprano

$3,000 Louise Peckham Todaro Memorial Award: Reginald Smith, Jr., Bari­tone

$1,000 Charlette Seidel Honorable Men­tion Award: Brent Smith, Bass

$7,500 Young Patronesses of the Opera Junior Young Artist 1st Prize: Lind­sey Reynolds, Soprano

$5,000 Judy George Junior Young Art­ist 2nd Prize: Joanna Latini, So­prano

$3,000 William S. Reese Memorial Award: Shaina Martinez, Soprano

$2,500 Renee and Marvin Fink Memo­rial Award: Nicholas Newton, Bass Baritone

$1,500 IBERIABANK Award: Emily Pogorelc, Soprano

$1,000 Irene Patti Swartz Hammond Memorial Award to a Soprano: Mur­rella Parton

$1,000 Audience Favorite Award: Ethan Simpson

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