Review this information prior to scheduling a performance for your school:

Scheduling of school performances takes place from October through December each year for the following spring season. Any requests made outside of that time frame will be noted, but not granted until this scheduling time.

We perform in Miami-Dade County and offer a limited number of spots to Broward County schools.

The In-School Opera program is for elementary school children, grades 1 – 6 only.

Each performance is approximately 30 minutes and we perform two identical shows at each school. We begin the first performance at 9:00am and the second one at 9:45am.

Individuals who attend the Teachers’ Workshop receive priority scheduling for their school.

If you’re interested in having the In-School Opera program at your school but have less than 350 students, consider sharing the day with another school. Kindly arrange your shared performance with another school before scheduling.

In order to reach as many students as possible, we typically do not go to the same school two years in a row.


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